Featured Eyelid Surgery Article
Eyelid Surgery In Dallas
Dallas isn't just a city for cowboys and beef. It is also considered a sophisticated metropolis where hundreds of big corporations live and nightlife really blooms. People in Dallas are still influenced by their Southern heritage and one of the proofs for this is their belief that bigger is better. If you are referring to a piece of cake, this principle is better but when it comes to physical health, it isn't really advisable to be living life large. If you are residing in Dallas, it can be a bit hard to maintain your figure or physique. However, there are sure-fire ways to achieve the body and physical condition that you've wished for.
Plastic surgery like eyelid surgery readily avialable in Dallas can help you get back your lost confidence especially if you are worried of your belly, bothered by your chest or ashamed of your fatigued appearance. And if you want to correct some of the problems brought by aging, you can always improve your looks by starting with eyelid surgery. There are Dallas surgeons that can help you out in revamping your body. Through this, even if you are in a city with one million occupants, you will surely stick or even stand out in the crowd.
Eyelid surgery is typically performed on adults. Some undergo this type of surgery to eliminate the very evident signs of aging while other individuals have some inherited traits leading them to strive for this type of treatment even if they are only on their 20s.
Do you need to undergo eyelid surgery?
If you are experiencing one or combination of these health conditions, then you need to have eyelid surgery:
- Extraneous skin as well as fine wrinkles in your lower eyelids
- Eye bags or dark circles right under the eyes that usually have a depression down the bony edge of your lower eyelids
- Upper eyelids that have puffy appearance making your eyes look fatigued and worn out
- Excess skin that's obscuring the upper eyelid's normal fold
- Droopy lower eyelids which reveals the white spot below your iris
- Loose skin that hangs down from the eyes' upper lids which may impair or interfere your vision
Preparing for eyelid surgery
Your plastic surgeon and his or her staff will do their best to make your Dallas eyelid surgery as comfortable and as easy as possible. In order to achieve this, there are some necessary preparations that you need to do. A smoker will surely be asked by the surgeon to stop smoking several days before the surgery. It isn't advisable to take some anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin since they can lead to increased bleeding. Hence, you shouldn't take these medicines for a span of time prior to the surgery. The surgeon will surely give you instructions in order to make your eyelid surgery successful.
The day of your Dallas eyelid surgery
Intravenous sedation or local anesthesia will be used for persons that will undergo eyelid surgery. In some cases, general anesthesia can be used. To ensure your safety in the entire eyelid surgery procedure, there are different monitors used to watch your heart, monitor your high blood pressure and pulse as well as the quantity of oxygen that circulates in your blood.
After the surgery, you will be confined in a recovery room where you will be continuously monitored. You will experience a blurry vision due to the ointment that's applied to protect and soothe your eyes during the surgery. This ointment also helps prevent swelling which is a normal consequence of the Dallas eyelid surgery.